As of a week ago, I finished my class on social media marketing. I had created this blog for that class. In the process, I also started a blog for my then long dreamed of business. And a short time later, I started that business. And started using that blog to promote my business, by showing you some of the great coverage I've received for my clients. Because long before I took social media, or introduction to marketing, or marketing plans, I became a public relations specialist. Yes, I took a course in public relations at University of California - Riverside long before I got into public relations. It helped me a lot. I'm glad I worked for an agency in PR, because the business has changed a lot since then. But I learned on the job, and I will keep learning about PR on the job. And marketing. I'm already learning A LOT about marketing on the job, since one of my clients is really, really into it.
But I'm not going to share my expertise on this blog, nor my boasts about the press I get for my clients. You will see the boasts on Facebook, and the expertise on my professional blog. Which is not here. It is at
Yesterday, I went as a guest of my client to hear, Marc Dussault, an outstanding marketer from Australia, give a presentation to about 40 business owners and marketers. I am going to share a little bit of what he said on my pro blog soon. I am leaving soon to hear another presentation Dr. Dussault gives to a different group of marketers today. These marketers are members of American Marketing Association - Inland Empire. I wrote a press release for for my client whois really into marketing about this meeting. Now the rest of the membership wants to meet me. And hopefully tell me they are too busy marketing to write their own press releases, so could I write something for them?
This will be my last post on this blog, so if you were in my social media class and are following me - or if you just somehow found me here - please go follow me on the other blog. I hope to keep that one updated regularly with anything new I learn about marketing, public relations or anything related to those fields.